Digital Marketing5 tips to market GEN Z

Gen Z is a digital-savvy generation comprising all those born between 1995 and the mid-2000s, representing 32% of the world’s population. With an attention span of only 8 seconds (4 seconds shorter than their millennial counterparts), first impressions matter. You will either capture their attention in that short time or be forgotten. If your target market is Generation Z, try these five strategies to increase brand awareness, leads, and sales.

With an attention span of only 8 seconds, first impressions matters. You will either capture their attention in that short time or be forgotten.

Sell experiences, not products

Gen Zers are not interested in hard selling and are immune to overwhelming marketing campaigns. They don’t want you to tell them why your product is good; they want to know how it will benefit them and which experience the product will give them.

Diversity and inclusion

Generation Z is very committed to diversity and constantly advocates for more progressive positions from companies. They believe that companies must become more inclusive and work with a diverse group of people with different skill levels. They want businesses to involve as many people as possible in a discussion since this will lead to the best results.

Gen Zers are not interested in hard selling, they want to know how your product will benefit them. “


Go for micro-influencers 

Defined as anyone with between 1,000 and 100,000 followers on social media, micro-influencers generate more engagement than their celebrity counterparts because Generation Z can empathize and connect with them.

Micro-influencers generate 60% higher levels of engagement, 22.2% more weekly conversions and are 6.7 times more profitable per engagement than top influencers with a high following.

Be Human!

Although this generation is the first to be surrounded by technology, they largely favor a real human presence when a company is advertising to them.

76% of Gen Zers want brands to respond to feedback and see this responsiveness as essential to determining brands authenticity. 41% of this generation read at least five online reviews before making a purchase, and they share twice as many positive reviews as negative ones.

Generation Z is not patient – they want an almost instant response to questions, feedback, and comments. In many cases, the speed at which a brand responds is seen as a barometer of its importance. Brands must therefore ensure that they respond quickly and personally to any complaints that are shared on social media.

Video & Mobile ONLY! 

Every day, Zs spend an average of 3 hours 40 minutes a day watching videos on the web (1 hour more per day than millennials). According to a Piper Jaffray study, YouTube remains the platform of choice (37%), followed by Netflix, while Instagram is the most used social network (85%). In short, video is the most popular format on the internet for this generation. This generation Z has its communication codes, which shape the use of social networks used daily. Faced with an environment saturated with advertising messages and a desire to create proximity with its consumers, short, captivating, and engaging video is one of the best allies.

Generation Z lives in a mobile world where entertainment travels with them wherever they go. Indeed, the time spent consuming content is almost exclusively on smartphones. In a few years, we have gone from mobile-first to mobile-only.

Never forget how insightful Generation Z  is. They are extremely resourceful in getting the information they want, and in verifying it. This has profound implications for businesses, which need to determine their social justice stance and define the core purpose of the brand.

How can your brand be more open and transparent with Generation Z consumers? Comment below!


  • Sonia May

    Soleat audire cotidieque eum eu, dicat efficiendi duo in. Quo eu legere eligendi, sed ea atomorum efficiantur. Id quod dolorem duo, eu mel posse dolores detracto. Eu adhuc delenit gloriatur sed, ne omnesque quaerendum nam, dolorum perfecto et quo, solum omnesque insolens.

    • Jane Montesino

      Eu adhuc delenit gloriatur sed, ne omnesque quaerendum nam, dolorum perfecto et quo. Solum omnesque insolens mel in, ei meis sonet euripidi.

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